Temporary Ticket Expiration

Describes what happens when a temporary ticket expires.

Ticket Expiration and JWT Expiration

As described in Checking and Changing the Temporary Ticket Duration, the default duration for the temporary ticket is 20 minutes. You can increase the duration. However, it is important to understand that the JWT has an expiry time too. The SSO provider controls the JWT expiration. Data Fabric software recognizes both expiry settings and expires the temporary ticket when the lesser expiry setting is reached.

For example, if the temporary ticket expiration is set to 2880 minutes (2 days), and the JWT expiration is set to one day, the temporary ticket will expire in one day.

When a Ticket Expires

If a temporary ticket expires while you are using maprcli, hadoop, or the Minio Client (mc), and you have exported the location of the JWT, maprcli or mc will create a new ticket automatically. If you have not exported the location of the JWT, as described in Using CLI Commands Without a User Ticket When SSO Is Configured and Using MinIO Client (mc) Without a User Ticket When SSO Is Configured, the command prompt will indicate that the ticket is not valid.