Checking and Changing the Temporary Ticket Duration

Describes how to gather information about the temporary ticket and change the duration of the ticket.

In SSO-enabled installations, the default duration for the temporary ticket is 20 minutes. To check to see if a ticket has been generated, use the ls command to view the contents of the /tmp directory. For example:
ls -ltr /temp/maprticket_*
-rw-rw-r-1 mapruser2 mapruser2 315 Feb 16 21:43 /tmp/maprticket_50088
To view the current ticket expiration, use the maprlogin print command:
$ maprlogin print
Opening keyfile /tmp/maprticket_200080
cluster-150-A: user = mapruser82, created = 'Mon May 15 20:23:42 PDT 2023', expires = 'Mon May 15 20:43:42 PDT 2023', RenewalTill = 'Mon May 15 20:43:42 PDT 2023', 
uid = 200080, gids = 20002, CanImpersonate = false, CanGenerateTicket = false, isExternal = true, capabilities = [login, cv, a, fc]
To change the ticket duration:
  1. Change to the root user (or use sudo for the following commands).
  2. Modify the value of the cldb.sso.temp.ticket.expiry.time parameter in the /opt/mapr/conf/cldb.conf file. For more information, see cldb.conf.
  3. One node at a time on each CLDB node:
    1. Stop Warden:
      sudo service mapr-warden stop
    2. Restart Warden.
      service mapr-warden start