Performance View

The Performance view displays the following information about nodes in the cluster, including:

  • Hlth - each node's health: healthy, degraded, critical, or maintenance
  • Hostname - DNS hostname for the nodes in this cluster
  • Memory - percentage of memory used and the total memory
  • % CPU - percentage of CPU usage on the node
  • # CPUs - number of CPUs present on the node
  • Bytes Received - number of bytes received in 1 second, through all network interfaces on the node

Performance Metrics

Metric Description
Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent in 1 second, through all network interfaces on the node.
# RPCs The number of RPC calls.
RPC In Bytes The number of RPC bytes received by this node every second.
RPC Out Bytes The number of RPC bytes sent by this node every second.
# Disk Reads The number of disk read operations on this node every second.
# Disk Writes The number of disk write operations on this node every second.
Disk Read Bytes The number of bytes read from all the disks on this node every second.
Disk Write Bytes The number of bytes written to all the disks on this node every second.
# Disks The number of disks on this node.
Gets - 1m The number of data retrievals (gets) executed on this region's primary node in a 1-minute interval.
Puts - 1m The number of data writes (puts) executed on this region's primary node in a 1-minute interval.
Scans - 1m The number of data seeks (scans) executed on this region's primary node in a 1-minute interval.