Hive 1.2.1-1611 Release Notes

Below are release notes for the Hive component included in the MapR Converged Data Platform. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive 1.2.1 changelog or the Apache Hive homepage.

Hive Version 1.2.1
Release Date December 9, 2016
MapR Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix (Pre-5.2 releases)
Source on GitHub*
Maven Artifacts
Package Names See Package Names for Ecosystem Packs (EEPs)

* Although the version number in the GitHub source URL is 1.2.0, the content in GitHub applies to MapR Hive 1.2.1

Feature Support

MapR does not support Hive on Spark. Therefore, you cannot use Spark as an execution engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.


This release by MapR includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Commit Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Comment
0dfe83b 2016-11-09 HIVE-12354: The issue that caused MapJoin with double keys to be slow on MR is now fixed.
ee401749 2016-11-07 HIVE-13632: The issue that caused Hive to fail when inserting empty array into parquet table is now fixed.
c636f923f 2016-11-03 MAPR-25105: The issue that caused data file and table directory to not inherit permissions from the parent directory is now fixed.
9405aa6 2016-10-26 MAPR-25039: The issue that caused load data to fail if the path from where data is loaded has asterisk is now fixed.
23a2e53 2016-10-10 MAPR-24542: The value for datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll property is now true by default.
14e848a 2016-10-07 HIVE-10956: The issue that caused HS2 to leak HMS connections is now fixed.
b90cb52 2016-09-30 MAPR-24696: The issue that caused Hive partition directory URI to be double-encoded is now fixed.
0779f7e 2016-09-22 HIVE-10685: The issue that caused ALTER TABLE orders CONCATENATE operation to create duplicate rows in table is now fixed.
eba492c 2016-09-20 MAPR-24425: The issue that caused msck repair command on partitioned table to return "Partitions not in metastore" error is now fixed.