Configuring the New Version

After upgrading MapR, configuration files and your licence must be manually updated and new features enabled.

After upgrading MapR, you must manually update configuration files and copy the Base License file before enabling new features.

IMPORTANT: Before enabling new features, all nodes in your cluster must be upgraded and then all configuration files as well as your license must be updated.

Update Configuration Files

After you complete the scripted or manual rolling upgrade, manually update the following configuration files on every node in your cluster:

  • Manually merge new configuration settings from the /opt/mapr/ file into the /opt/mapr/conf/warden.conf file.

  • Manually merge new configuration settings from the files in the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory to the files in the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/ directory.

  • If you are upgrading from 4.0.1, update scripts that point to files within the /opt/mapr/hadoop-2.4.1 directory to point to the new hadoop 2.x directory.
NOTE: When you upgrade hadoop common, a new directory is created for the new hadoop common version and the configuration files in the existing /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.x.x directory are automatically copied into the active directory associated with the new hadoop 2.x.x directory. For example, when you upgrade from 4.1 to 5.x, configuration files that were in the hadoop-2.5.1 directory are copied into the hadoop-2.7.1 directory.

Update License File

As of MapR version 5.1, due to the new license categories, you must manually copy the new Base License file from the /opt/mapr/ directory to the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory on every node in your cluster.

cp /opt/mapr/ /opt/mapr/conf/
NOTE: The BaseLicense.txt file must be copied before starting warden, otherwise, warden must be restarted.

After copying the new Base License, new features must be manually enabled. See Configuring the New Version for more information about enabling new features.

If you are upgrading from the Enterprise Database Edition (M7) to the Converged Enterprise Edition and want to utilize the MapR Streams module, you must purchase additional licensing. In this case, you will be issued a new license to apply. See Managing Licenses for more information. In addition, the new MapR Streams feature must be manually enabled.

Performance Enhancements

When you upgrade, there are no special instructions for enabling the performance enhancements for SSD-based MapR-DB deployments. However, before upgrading, please review Performance Enhancements for SSD-based MapR_DB Deployments to make a note of the required ports and the log file name changes.

After upgrading, restart Warden to ensure that the number of MFS instances is as configured.

Enable New Features

After a successful upgrade, administrators have the option to enable new features that are not enabled by default. Features are enabled using the maprcli cluster feature enable command. A list of the features are obtained using the maprcli cluster feature list command. See maprcli cluster commands for more information.

ATTENTION: It is strongly recommended that all of the features be enabled: maprcli cluster feature enable -all.
NOTE: The maprcli config save command is no longer available for enabling features.
IMPORTANT: All nodes in your cluster must be upgraded before enabling new features.

Once your features are enabled, run simple and non-trivial health checks to verify cluster health. These features are automatically enabled with a fresh install.

Feature Feature Name Version Available Description
MapR Streams and MapR-DB as a document database As of 5.1 Enables the use of MapR Streams and the support of JSON tables in MapR-DB.
Access Control Expressions for MapR-FS As of 5.1 Enables the setting of Access Control Expressions on filesystem and whole volume data.
MapR Auditing As of 5.0 Logs audit records of cluster-administration operations and operations on directories, files, and tables.
MapR Volume Upgrade mfs.feature.volume.upgrade, As of 5.0 Enables support for promotable mirrors on both old-format and new-format volumes.
MapR-DB Table Replication As of 4.1 Enables support for MapR-DB table replication.
Promotable Mirror Volumes As of 4.0.2 Enables support for promotable mirror volumes.
Reduce On-Disk Container Size cldb.reduce.container.size As of 4.0.2 Reduces the space required on-disk for each container. The reduction of the on-disk container size takes effect after the CLDB service restarts or fails over.
NOTE: After enabling this feature on a cluster with more than a million containers, it may take some time for the initial failover to complete because the CLDB will re-write container location tables and storage pool container map tables. However, this delay will not reoccur with any subsequent failovers.
Bulk loading of Data to MapR-DB Tables As of 3.1.1 Enables support for bulk loading of data to MapR-DB tables. Used when upgrade from MapR version 3.1 or earlier.
Access Control Expressions and Table Region Merges,, As of 3.1

The following features enable support for Access Control Expressions (ACEs) and table region merge. Used when upgrading from MapR version 3.0.x.

These features are automatically enabled with a fresh install or when you upgrade from a version earlier than 3.0.x.

WARNING: After enabling ACEs for MapR tables, table access is enforced by table ACEs instead of the file system. As a result, all newly created tables are owned by root and have their mode bits set to 777.

The following feature enables encryption of network traffic to or from a file, directory, or MapR-DB table with the following feature. This feature is enabled after security features are enabled on your cluster.
WARNING: Clusters with active security features will experience job failure until this configuration value is set.

To enable all features, use the cluster feature enable -all command.

maprcli cluster feature enable -all

To enable a specific feature, use the cluster feature enable -name command. For example:

maprcli cluster feature enable -name

To obtain a list of all features, enabled and disabled, use the cluster feature list command.:

        # maprcli cluster feature list
        enabled  name                                             
        true     cldb.reduce.container.size                       
        true     mfs.feature.bulkwrite                            
        true     mfs.feature.volume.upgrade                       
        true     cldb.feature.volumenumsnapshots.incache.enabled  
        true     cldb.feature.compression.lz4                     
        true     cldb.feature.policiesmap.incache.enabled         
        true     cldb.feature.setgid                              
        true     cldb.copied.tables.upgrade                       
        true     cldb.feature.multi.compression                   
        true     mfs.feature.tables                               
        true     cldb.feature.mapr.user.enabled                   
        true     cldb.feature.compression.zlib                    
        true     cldb.feature.separate.cldbvol.rpcs               
        true     cldb.feature.volumenumcntrs.incache.enabled

Next Steps

Based on your requirements, upgrade ecosystem components manually.