Enabling and Disabling Security Features on Your Cluster

Describes how to enable and disable wire-level security on the nodes of your cluster.

Enabling Wire-Level Security

Wire-level security encrypts data transmission between the nodes in your cluster.

WARNING: Security features are turned off by default.

When you set up a cluster, run the configure.sh script on each node that you want to add to the cluster.

To enable security for the cluster, follow these steps in order:
  1. If the cluster is running, shut it down.
  2. Run the configure.sh script with the -secure -genkeys options on the first CLDB node in your cluster.
    /opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -N <cluster_name> -secure -genkeys -Z <Zookeeper_node_list> -C
    Where both <Zookeeper_node_list> and <CLDB_node_list> have the form hostname[:port_no][,hostname[:port_no]...].
    NOTE: You must run configure.sh -genkeys once on one CLDB node, since the resulting files must be copied to other nodes.

    This command generates four files in the /opt/mapr/conf directory:

    • cldb.key
    • maprserverticket
    • ssl_keystore
    • ssl_truststore
  3. Copy the cldb.key file to any node that has the CLDB or Zookeeper service installed.
  4. Copy the maprserverticket, ssl_keystore, and ssl_truststore files to the /opt/mapr/conf directory of every node in the cluster.
  5. Verify that the files from the previous step are owned by the user that runs cluster services. This user is mapr by default. Also, the maprserverticket and ssl_keystore files must have their UNIX permission-mode bits set to 600, and the ssl_truststore file must be readable to all users.
  6. Run configure.sh -secure on each node you want to add to the cluster. The -secure option indicates that the node is secure. You must also do this on any nodes that you add to the cluster in the future.
  7. Copy the ssl_truststore file to any client nodes outside the cluster.
    NOTE: If you run configure.sh -secure on a node before you copy the necessary files to that node, the command fails.
  8. Log in as the mapr superuser using the maprlogin command: maprlogin password (in this command, password is literal text).
  9. Run the hadoop mfs -setnetworkencryption on <object> command for every table, file, and directory in MapR-FS whose traffic you want to encrypt.
    NOTE: The network encryption setting is inherited by new objects. Once encryption is turned on for a directory, all new directories, files, and tables created under that directory are automatically encrypted.
  10. If clients will connect to multiple secure clusters, merge the ssl_truststore files with the /opt/mapr/server/manageSSLKeys.sh tool. See Setting Up the Client for more information on MapR clients.

Disabling Wire-Level Security

To disable security features for your cluster:
  1. If the cluster is running, shut it down.
  2. On all nodes, run the configure.sh script with the -unsecure option and specify the CLDB and ZooKeeper nodes.
    configure.sh -unsecure -C <CLDB_Node> -Z <ZK_Node>
  3. Start the cluster.