Setting File-Level Permissions

Describes how to set and control permissions for files.

MapR's file-level security model is consistent with the Linux implementation. When you access the MapR-FS layer over NFS, the file-level permissions are controlled through the Linux interface by using the chmod (change mode) command or the chown (change owner) command, as well as the hadoop fs -chmod and hadoop fs -chown equivalents. For example:

chown jsmith /mapr/
hadoop -fs chown jsmith /mapr/
chmod 744 /mapr/
hadoop -fs chmod 744 /mapr/

These commands grant a user whose username is jsmith the read, write, and execute privileges on fileA.

Once you set file permissions, authorization checks are performed when a file is opened, and on every file access.

NOTE: To further protect your data, the MapR-FS data cache is never included in a file server core dump.