Configuring a MapR Cluster to Access a HDFS Cluster

Describes how to create a connection between a MapR cluster and an HDFS cluster.

As of the 3.1 release of the MapR software, a MapR cluster can access an external HDFS cluster with the hdfs:// or webhdfs:// protocols.

NOTE: Use the hdfs:// protocol for CDH3 clusters.


Before you begin, verify the following:

  • The MapR node accessing the HDFS cluster must have the mapr-core or mapr-client package installed.
  • The HDFS cluster is installed and configured according to the vendor's specifications.
  • To use the hdfs:// protocol, edit the fs.hdfs.impl property in the $HADOOP_HOME/conf/core-site.xml file to include the value org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.

Refer to the case below that describes your MapR and HDFS clusters: