Configuring MapR Security

Describes how to enable security features and configure the components on a secure cluster.

Security features for the MapR Converged Data Platform are disabled by default. You can enable security features at any time, but additional configuration is required for the individual components to work with security enabled, particularly elements that use Kerberos for user authentication. This section discusses initial configuration of a secure cluster and guides you through securing individual aspects of MapR along with open source components.

The following access control elements are active whether or not your cluster's security features are enabled:

  • Access Control Lists (ACLs) for the cluster, the volumes in the cluster, and the MapReduce job queue.
  • Access Control Expressions (ACEs) control user permissions for MapR-DB tables that are stored natively.
  • File permissions for objects in the MapR-FS layer.
  • Subnet whitelisting restricts access to the cluster's FileServer service.

Once security features are enabled, these elements benefit from encrypted traffic within the cluster and strong authentication to the cluster.

On clusters with security features enabled, several open-source components require additional configuration:

  • Hive functionality has different security requirements depending on the interaction between the HiveServer2 component, the Hive command-line interface, and the Hive metastore.
  • HBase functionality requires configuration to use Kerberos for securing the HBase RPCs.
  • Flume functionality can be configured to use either MAPRSASL or Kerberos. Kerberos configuration is only required if Flume is loading HBase logs.
  • Oozie clients can communicate with the Oozie server over HTTPS secured by SPNEGO with Kerberos authentication. Java clients can authenticate with MapR tickets.

Java Applications and MapR Security

A secure computing environment places additional requirements on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) properties of Java clients. The JVMs launched by MapR with scripts, such as those used by the maprcli, hadoop, or hbase commands, have those properties automatically set by the MapR software. The MapR software attempts to set useful values for these properties when you use a JVM you are launching directly, such as when you write a stand-alone Java program. Be aware that existing Java code that sets values for these properties may cause trouble on your cluster.

Property Default Value Description /opt/mapr/conf/mapr.login.conf Path to the file that specifies JAAS configurations used by MapR. /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_truststore Controls the truststore used by MapR clients for HTTPS connections
http.auth.preference basic The default setting disables JVM's default handling of SPNEGO, enabling MapR's Hadoop code to handle SPNEGO authentication.
zookeeper.saslprovider Enables ZooKeeper security.
hadoop.login hadoop_default Controls the JAAS configuration used by MapR security.

Ports Used by Web Interfaces for Secure Hadoop 2 Services

The MapR software supports Hadoop 2 services built on the YARN framework. While Hadoop 1 services such as JobTracker and TaskTracker use the same ports for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, the Hadoop 2 services use different ports, listed in the following table:

Service HTTP (unsecure) port HTTPS (secure) port
NodeManager 8042 8044
ResourceManager 8088 8090
HistoryServer 19888 19890

Subnet Whitelisting

To provide additional cluster security, you can limit cluster data access to a whitelist of trusted subnets. The mfs.subnets.whitelist parameter in mfs.conf accepts a comma-separated list of subnets in CIDR notation. If this parameter is set, the FileServer service only accepts requests from the specified subnets.