Syntax Summary

The following syntax summary applies to all commands.

hadoop [-yarn|-classic] [--config confdir] [COMMAND] [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [COMMAND_OPTIONS]
hadoop1 [--config confdir] [COMMAND] [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [COMMAND_OPTIONS]
hadoop2 [--config confdir] [COMMAND] [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [COMMAND_OPTIONS]

Hadoop has an option parsing framework that employs parsing generic options as well as running classes.




Specifies the Hadoop version: yarn or classic

Aternatively, you can use a hadoop1 or hadoop2 command without setting the mode.

If you use a hadoop command (instead of hadoop1 or hadoop2) and do not set the mode, the command runs in the mode set by the MAPR_MAPREDUCE_MODE environment variable. If this variable is not set, the command runs in the mode set in the hadoop version file on the node (default_mode = yarn or classic).

--config confdir

Overwrites the default Configuration directory. Default is ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf.


Various commands with their options are described in the following sections.


The common set of options supported by multiple commands.


Various command options are described in the following sections.

NOTE: Running the hadoop script without any arguments prints the help description for all commands.