hadoop daemonlog

The hadoop daemonlog command gets and sets the log level for each daemon.

Hadoop daemons all produce logfiles that you can use to learn about what is happening on the system. You can use the hadoop daemonlog command to temporarily change the log level of a component when debugging the system.


hadoop daemonlog
    -getlevel | -setlevel
    [ <level> ]


The following command options are supported for hadoop daemonlog command:



-getlevel <host:port><name>

Prints the log level of the daemon running at the specified host and port, by querying

  • <host>: The host on which to get the log level.
  • <port>: The port by which to get the log level.
  • <name>: The daemon on which to get the log level. Usually the fully qualified classname of the daemon doing the logging. For example, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker for the JobTracker daemon.

-setlevel <host:port> <name> <level>

Sets the log level of the daemon running at the specified host and port, by querying

* <host>: The host on which to set the log level.
  • <port>: The port by which to set the log level.
  • <name>: The daemon on which to set the log level.
  • <level: The log level to set the daemon.


Getting the log levels of a daemon

To get the log level for each daemon enter a command such as the following:

hadoop daemonlog -getlevel org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker 
Connecting to
Submitted Log Name: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker
Log Class: org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
Effective level: ALL

Setting the log level of a daemon

To temporarily set the log level for a daemon enter a command such as the following:

hadoop daemonlog -setlevel org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker DEBUG
Connecting to
Submitted Log Name: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker
Log Class: org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
Submitted Level: DEBUG
Setting Level to DEBUG ...
Effective level: DEBUG

Using this method, the log level is automatically reset when the daemon is restarted.

To make the change to log level of a daemon persistent, enter a command such as the following:

hadoop daemonlog -setlevel log4j.logger.org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker DEBUG