hadoop queue

The hadoop queue command displays job queue information.


hadoop [ Generic Options ] queue
    [-list] | [-info <job-queue-name> [-showJobs]] | [-showacls]


Command Options

The hadoop queue command supports the following command options:




Gets list of job queues configured in the system. Along with scheduling information associated with the job queues.

-info <job-queue-name> [-showJobs]

Displays the job queue information and associated scheduling information of particular job queue. If -showJobs option is present, a list of jobs submitted to the particular job queue is displayed.


Displays the queue name and associated queue operations allowed for the current user. The list consists of only those queues to which the user has access.

Generic Options

The following generic options are supported for the hadoop queue command: -conf <configuration file>, -D <property=value>, -fs <local|file system URI>, -jt <local|jobtracker:port>, -files <file1,file2,file3,...>, -libjars <libjar1,libjar2,libjar3,...>, and -archives <archive1,archive2,archive3,...>. For more information on generic options, see Generic Options.