Post-Upgrade Steps for Ranger

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Ranger with or without the Installer.

About this task

Use one of the following procedures, depending on the EEP that you are upgrading:

Upgrading from EEP 9.1.0 or Later

  1. NOTE Upgrading Ranger to a new 3-digit version (such as version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0) does not overwrite new configurations.
    If you are upgrading Ranger to a new 3-digit version, first do the following:
    1. Repeat the steps in Configuring Ranger.
    2. For any Ranger plugins, re-fill as described in Integrating HiveServer2 with Ranger and Integrating Yarn with Ranger.
  2. For each Ranger plugin, re-run enable-<component>
  3. Run -R so that services can be restarted and the changes can take effect:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R

Upgrading from EEP 9.0.0

In EEP 9.0.0, the mapr-ranger package has both Admin and UserSync services. From EEP 9.1.0 and later, mapr-ranger has only an Admin service, and there is a new package for the UserSync service: mapr-ranger-usersync.

When you upgrade from EEP 9.0.0 to EEP 9.1.0 or later, all the packages are upgraded, but you must manually install mapr-ranger-usersync as a new package. In this upgrade scenario, packaging does not back up the existing configuration for the UserSync service, so the following user tasks are required:
  1. NOTE Upgrading Ranger to a new 3-digit version (such as version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0) does not overwrite new configurations.
    If you are upgrading Ranger to a new 3-digit version, first do the following:
    1. Repeat the steps in Configuring Ranger.
    2. For any Ranger plugins, re-fill as described in Integrating HiveServer2 with Ranger and Integrating Yarn with Ranger.
  2. For each Ranger plugin, re-run enable-<component>
  3. In the UserSync file (/opt/mapr/ranger/ranger-<version>/ranger-usersync/, modify the following properties:
    POLICY_MGR_URL = https://FQDN:<admin_port> 
  4. Run the setup script:
    sudo /opt/mapr/ranger/ranger-<version>/ranger-usersync/
  5. Run the configuration script:
    sudo /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  6. Restart the services:
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name ranger-admin -action restart -nodes <hostname> 
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name ranger-usersync -action restart -nodes <hostname>
NOTE (RAN-259) During the upgrade within the same 3-digit version of Ranger, the files are preserved for both the services and the plugins. If a new property is introduced in a newer version, you might encounter the following error message while enabling a plugin or executing files:
XmlConfigChanger$ValidationException: ERROR: configuration token [<property_name>] is not defined
In this case, refer to the related release notes to see the details of the new property, and add the property to the corresponding file.