Post-Upgrade Steps for Airflow

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Airflow with or without the Installer.

About this task

Use these steps:

  1. Run -R to update the airflow.cfg file:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  2. Migrate any custom configuration settings (especially database-related settings) into the <airflow_home>/conf/ directory. For example, if MySQL is used as the database, install the mysqlclient by using the following steps:
    1. Run .<airflow_home>/build/env/bin/activate
    2. Run pip install mysqlclient==2.2.0
    3. Run deactivate
  3. For upgrades from an older version of Airflow to a newer version, run the Airflow database upgrade tool:
    1. Use the following command to migrate the database:
      airflow db migrate
    2. Create your default connections:
      airflow connections create-default-connections
    For more information about the upgrade tool, see Reference for Database Migrations in the Apache Airflow documentation.
  4. Start the airflow-scheduler and airflow-webserver services:
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname> -name airflow-scheduler -action restart
    maprcli node services -nodes <hostname> -name airflow-webserver -action restart
  5. Optional: If using the default SequentialExecutor, create a user. For example:
    airflow users create --username any_user --firstname any_user --lastname any_user -p any_user --role Admin --email