
The gfsck (global filesystem check) command performs a check and repair operation on a volume or volume snapshot. The command checks the consistency of a volume including:

  • All cross container links (for example, from file to filelets, from table to tablets)
  • The tabletmap key range
  • The attributes of filelets (uid/gid/mode)

It identifies the unreachable files, directories, and tables in the volume and moves them to /lost+found during repair operation. It also identifies any unreachable DB inodes or dangling pointers to lost inodes and fixes them.

The gfsck utility can be used when local fsck repairs some containers at highest epoch or when some containers are lost (either when a lower epoch container was promoted as master or when a container was permanently lost) at highest epoch.

Typical process flow

  1. Take the affected storage pools offline with the mrconfig sp offline command.
  2. Execute the fsck command on the storage pools (or disks).
  3. Bring the storage pools back online with the mrconfig sp online command.
  4. Execute the gfsck command on the cluster, volumes, or snapshots that were affected.
    WARNING: If there are alarms, such as DataUnavailableAlarm or DataUnderReplicatedAlarm, do not run gfsck command with -r (--repair) option. Running the gfsck command with the -r (--repair) option might result in data loss. If necessary, first run gfsck without the -r (--repair) option and attempt to repair only after analyzing the command output.


    [ -h|--help ]
    [ -c|--clear ]
    [ -d|--debug ]
    [ -b|--dbcheck ]
    [ -r|--repair ]
    [ -y|--assume-yes ]
    [ cluster=<cluster name> ]
    [ rwvolume=<volume name> ]
    [ snapshot=<snapshot name> ]
    [ snapshotid=<snapshot-id> ]




-h --help

Prints usage text.

-c --clear

Clears previous warnings before performing the global filesystem check.

-d --debug

Provides additional information in the output for debug purposes.

-b --dbcheck

Checks that every key in a tablet is within that tablet's startKey and endKey range. This option is very IO intensive, and should only be used if database inconsistency is suspected.

-r --repair

Indicates that repairs should be performed if needed.

NOTE: Running the gfsck command with the -r (--repair) option might result in data loss. If necessary, first run gfsck without the -r (--repair) option and attempt to repair only after analyzing the command output.

-y --assume-yes

Assumes that containers without valid copies (as reported by CLDB) can be deleted automatically. If this option is not specified, gfsck will pause for user input to verify that containers can be deleted - enter yes to delete, no to exit gfsck, or ctrl-C to quit.


Name of the cluster (default: default cluster)


Name of the volume (default: null)


Name of the snapshot (default: null)


The snapshot id (default: 0)

Example (Debug mode)

Execute the gfsck command on the read/write volume named mapr.cluster.root with debug mode turned on.

/opt/mapr/bin/gfsck rwvolume=mapr.cluster.root -d

Sample output is shown below.

Starting GlobalFsck:
  clear-mode            = false
  debug-mode            = true
  dbcheck-mode          = false
  repair-mode           = false
  assume-yes-mode       = false
  cluster               =
  rw-volume-name        = mapr.cluster.root
  snapshot-name         = null
  snapshot-id           = 0
  user-id               = 0
  group-id              = 0

  get volume properties ...
    rwVolumeName = mapr.cluster.root (volumeId = 205374230, rootContainerId = 2049, isMirror = false)

  put volume mapr.cluster.root in global-fsck mode ...

  get snapshot list for volume mapr.cluster.root ...

  starting phase one (get containers) for volume mapr.cluster.root(205374230) ...
    container 2049 (latestEpoch=3, fixedByFsck=false)
    got volume containers map
  done phase one

  starting phase two (get inodes) for volume mapr.cluster.root(205374230) ...
    get container inode list for cid 2049
      +inodelist: fid=2049.32.131224 pfid=-1.16.2 typ=4 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.33.131226 pfid=-1.16.2 typ=2 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.34.131228 pfid=-1.33.131226 typ=4 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.35.131230 pfid=-1.16.2 typ=4 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.36.131232 pfid=-1.16.2 typ=4 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.38.262312 pfid=-1.16.2 typ=2 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
      +inodelist: fid=2049.39.262314 pfid=-1.38.262312 typ=1 styp=0 nch=0 dMe:false dRec: false
    got container inode lists (totalThreads=1)
  done phase two

  starting phase three (get fidmaps & tabletmaps) for volume mapr.cluster.root(205374230) ...
    got fidmap lists (totalFidmapThreads=0)
    got tabletmap lists (totalTabletmapThreads=0)
  done phase three

  === Start of GlobalFsck Report ===

  file-fidmap-filelet union --
   2049.39.262314:P     --> primary (nchunks=0)      --> AllOk
    no errors

  table-tabletmap-tablet union --

  orphan directories --

  orphan kvstores --

  orphan files --

  orphan fidmaps --

  orphan tables --

  orphan tabletmaps --

  orphan dbkvstores --

  orphan dbfiles --

  orphan dbinodes --

  containers that need repair --

  incomplete snapshots that need to be deleted --

  user statistics --
    containers          = 1
    directories         = 2
    kvstores            = 0
    files               = 1
    fidmaps             = 0
    filelets            = 0
    tables              = 0
    tabletmaps          = 0
    schemas             = 0
    tablets             = 0
    segmaps             = 0
    spillmaps           = 0
    overflowfiles       = 0
    bucketfiles         = 0
    spillfiles          = 0

  === End of GlobalFsck Report ===

  remove volume mapr.cluster.root from global-fsck mode (ret = 0) ...

GlobalFsck completed successfully (7142 ms); Result: verify succeeded