Creating a local repository on Ubuntu


  1. Login as root on the machine where you will set up the repository.
  2. Change to the directory /root and create the following directories within it:
    directory structure for repository
  3. On a computer that is connected to the Internet, download the following files, substituting the appropriate <version> and <datestamp>: (See MapR Repositories and Package Archives for the correct paths for all past releases.)<version>/ubuntu/mapr-v<version>GA.deb.tgz<datestamp>.deb.tgz
  4. Copy the files to /root/mapr/mapr on the node, and extract them there.
    tar -xvzf mapr-<version>GA.deb.tgz
    tar -xvzf mapr-ecosystem-5.x-<datestamp>.deb.tgz
  5. Navigate to the /root/mapr/ directory.
  6. Use dpkg-scanpackages to create Packages.gz in the binary-amd64 directory:
    dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > ./dists/binary/optional/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
  7. Move the entire /root/mapr directory to the default directory served by the HTTP server (for example, /var/www) and make sure the HTTP server is running.