mc stat

Displays object meta data for a bucket or object on local cluster or remote fabric in the global namespace.


mc stat [FLAGS] TARGET [TARGET ...]

  --versions                       stat all versions
  --version-id value, --vid value  stat a specific object version
  --recursive, -r                  stat all objects recursively
  --json                           enable JSON lines formatted output
  --debug                          enable debug output
  --insecure                       disable SSL certificate verification
  --help, -h                       show help


Parameter Description
TARGET The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store deployment from which the command displays object meta data. This parameter is mandatory. To display metadata for objects from a remote cluster/fabric in the global namespace use the format <fabricname>-<bucketname> instead of only the <bucketname> after the alias, that is <alias>/<fabricname>-<clustername>.When bucketname and objectname is mentioned without the fabric name, Data Fabric checks the local cluster for the specified bucketname and objectname.
versions Display meta data for all versions of objects.
version-id Display meta data for the specified version of the object.
recursive Display meta data for all objects from all folders and not just the top level folder.
json Enable JSON formatted output.
debug Enable output for debugging.
insecure Disable SSL verification.
help Show this help.


  1. Display object meta data for top level objects in bucket mybucket in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat salesobject/mybucket
  2. Display object meta data for an object with specific version CL3sWgdSN2pNntSf6UnZAuh2kcu8E8si in bucket mybucket in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat --version-id "CL3sWgdSN2pNntSf6UnZAuh2kcu8E8si" salesobject/mybucket
  3. Display object meta data for all objects recursively in bucket mybucket in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat --recursive salesobject/mybucket
  4. Display object meta data for all objects recursively in bucket mybucket from remote fabric sales in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat --recursive salesobject/sales-mybucket
  5. Display object meta data for the bucket mybucket from remote fabric sales in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat salesobject/sales-mybucket
  6. Display object meta data for the object myobject contained in the bucket mybucket from remote fabric sales in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc stat salesobject/sales-mybucket/myobject