kafkatopic getcontroller

Fetches details of the controller node from the available Apache Kafka Wire Protocol brokers in the Data Fabric cluster.


IMPORTANT Ensure that the mapr-kafka package is installed on the server node, before running the kafkatopic getcontroller command. When mapr-kafka package is not installed, the following error is encountered: Command execution failed! 'kafkatopic' commands requires 'mapr-kafka' package.

The maprcli command displays information about the Apache Kafka Wire Protocol controller on the Data Fabric cluster.

Use the command to understand which of the nodes in the cluster is the controller.
$ maprcli kafkatopic getcontroller -json


Use the command maprcli kafkatopic getcontroller to display details of the Apache Kafka Wire Protocol broker
$ maprcli kafkatopic getcontroller -json
        "timeofday":"2023-06-19 05:05:45.951 GMT-0700 AM",