Addressing High Memory File Server Alarm for JSON Table Replication

The topic describes the troubleshooting steps for memory overflow issues with JSON tables where replication has been set up, secondary indexes have been created on the JSON table being replicated, and table row size less than 1 KB.

About this task

When you are working with JSON tables and High File Server Memory alarm is raised during table replication that has been set up between the JSON tables, check if secondary indexes are created on the destination table and the table row size is smaller than 1 KB.

If all the aforementioned conditions are met, follow the steps given below to resolve the memory overflow issue.


  1. Check the table region size to identify tables with memory overflow by running the table region list command.
  2. Use the table region split command to manually split destination table regions with memory overflow or high memory usage. Split until each table region size is equal to or lower than 512 MB. This is a remedial measure for the memory overflow problem.
  3. Run the table edit command and reset the regionsizemb parameter on the destination table to 512 MB from the default 4 GB value. This is a preventive measure that helps with avoiding the Data Fabric file system from running out of memory during replication of JSON tables, where row size smaller than 1 KB and a secondary index has been created on the JSON table.