Enable Impersonation in the HBase Thrift 1 Gateway

About this task

To configure the Thrift gateway to authenticate to HBase on the client’s behalf, and to access HBase using a proxy user:


  1. In the hbase-site.xml file for each cluster node running a Thrift gateway, set the property hbase.thrift.security.qop to one of the following three values:
    • auth-conf - authentication, integrity, and confidentiality checking
    • auth-int - authentication and integrity checking
    • auth - authentication checking only
  2. Restart the Thrift gateway processes for the changes to take effect. If a node is running Thrift, the output of the jps command will list a ThriftServer process.
    • To stop Thrift on a node, run the command bin/hbase-daemon.sh stop thrift.
    • To start Thrift on a node, run the command bin/hbase-daemon.sh start thrift.
  3. To allow proxy users, add the following to the hbase-site.xml file for every HBase node:
  4. To enable the doAs feature, add the following to the hbase-site.xml file for every Thrift gateway: