Enabling HBase Access Control

About this task


  1. On the HBase Region Server, edit the /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-<version>/conf/hbase-site.xml file and add the following section:
        <value><admin1>,<admin2>,@<group1>,...</value> <!-- group names are
    prefixed with '@' -->
  2. On the HBase Master, edit the /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-<version>/conf/hbase-site.xml file and add the following section:
        <value><admin1>,<admin2>,@<group1>,...</value> <!-- group names are
    prefixed with '@' -->
  3. On every HBase client node, edit the /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-<version>/conf/hbase-site.xml file and add the following section:
  4. Restart HBase on every node.