stream topic info

Lists information about the partitions in the topics that are in a stream.

To run this command, your user ID must have the adminperm, consumeperm, produceperm, or topicperm permission on the stream.
NOTE: The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. MapR Streams does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


stream topic info
	 -path Stream Path 
	 -topic Topic Name 
REST http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/stream/topic/info?path=<path>&topic=<name>


Parameter Description
path The path and name of the stream for which you want to display information about topics.
topic The name of the topic for which you want to display information.

Sample Output

# maprcli stream topic info -path /jtest-BasicListenerTest-LGtopicSubscr0 -topic topic0 -json
"timeofday":"2015-08-05 02:00:29.877 GMT-0700",
            "numconsumers" : 4,
    "partitions" : [
                               "minoffsetacrossconsumers": 600000,
                               "mintimestampacrossconsumers": 1438764131500

                               "minoffsetacrossconsumers": 620000,
                               "mintimestampacrossconsumers": 1438764131560

Field Descriptions

The maximum offset for this partition.
All known consumers for this partition have consumed messages at least up to this offset.
The timestamp of oldest message in the partition.
The timestamp of newest message in the partition.
All known consumers for this partition have consumed messages older than this timestamp.
The inode hosting the head of the partition.
For use by MapR support: The master server that is hosting the head of the partition.
For use by MapR support: Lists all of the servers that are hosting the head of the partition.