Configure Myriad

About this task

This section provides the steps for configuring Myriad and testing your configuration.


  1. On all nodes, run the following command:
    -C <masterIP> -Z <masterIP> -u mapr -g mapr 
    -N <clusterName> 
    -F /root/disk.list 
    -RM <Mesos-style hostname>  
    -HS <Mesos-style service name>
    -MF <myriadFrameworkName> 
    -MCL <directory clusterNamePrefix>
    The following options were added specifically for Myriad configuration. See for additional information.
    Table 1. Myriad parameters
    Parameter Description
    RM Expanded to support the Mesos DNS-style hostname for Resource Manager. The Mesos-style hostname is <RM app-name>.marathon.mesos. When starting ResourceManager from Marathon, the Mesos-style hostname is used. For example, MyriadA.marathon.mesos
    HS Expanded to support the Mesos DNS-style name format for Job History. The format is jobhistory.<myriad-fwk-name>.mesos. For example, if the -MF parameter is MyriadA, the name is jobhistory.MyriadA.mesos.
    MF Name for the Myriad framework displayed in the Mesos UI. For example, MyriadA.
    MCL (Optional) Prefix for each Myriad cluster name. Each Myriad cluster name is associated with a unique Myriad framework name. This is the top-level directory where all the staging and shuffle data is written for a specific Myriad framework. Used when multiple clusters are implemented. This parameter allows only 1 cluster name to be specified when is run. To specify multiple cluster names, run multiple times with all of the parameters specified. See Configuring Multiple YARN Clusters for more information.
    MHA (Optional) Enables Myriad high availability. Value: y/n Default: y. Specify this parameter to disable Myriad HA.
    NOTE: It is recommended that you use the same value for the -RM, -HS, -MF, and -MCL parameters.
  2. Test your configuration by accessing the Mesos UI and Marathon UI.
    • For the Mesos UI, use <hostname>:5050
    • For the Marathon UI, use <hostname>:8080
    NOTE: If your environment has both Marathon and Spark installed on the same node, a conflict occurs because the default port for both is 8080. To resolve this conflict, change the port for one of the applications.

What to do next

See Use Myriad.