Installing HBase

Plan which cluster nodes should run the HBase Master service, and which nodes should run the HBase RegionServer. At least one node (generally three nodes) should run the HBase Master; for example, install HBase Master on the ZooKeeper nodes. Only a few of the remaining nodes or all of the remaining nodes can run the HBase RegionServer.
NOTE: When you install HBase RegionServer on nodes that also run TaskTracker, reduce the number of map and reduce slots to avoid oversubscribing the machine.
The following procedures use the operating system package managers to download and install from the MapR Repository. To install the packages manually, refer to Prepare Packages and Repositories.
WARNING: To use Java 7 with HBase, set the value of the JAVA_HOME attribute in /opt/mapr/conf/ to the location of your Java 7 JVM. All other Hadoop and MapR Java daemons and code will use this JVM.

Supported HBase Versions

To see which versions of HBase are supported in each MapR release, go to the Ecosystem Support Matrix.