Install Additional HBase Services and Libraries

You may also want to install the following HBase Services and Libraries:

Service Description
HBase Thrift Gateway

HBase Thrift Gateway includes an API and a service that accepts Thrift requests to connect to HBase tables or MapR-DB tables. For information on installation and configuration, see Installing the HBase Thrift Gateway.

HBase REST Gateway HBase REST Gateway includes an API and a service that accepts REST requests to connect to HBase tables or MapR-DB tables. For information on installation and configuration, see Installing the HBase REST Gateway.
libhbase Libraries libhbase is a JNI-based, thread-safe C library that implements a native HBase client. For information on installation and configuration, see Installing libhbase.
AsyncHBase Libraries AsyncHBase library provides asynchronous Java APIs to access HBase tables or MapR-DB tables. For information on installation and configuration, see Using AsyncHBase.