Installing Drill to Run Under Warden


This document provides instructions for manually installing the latest version of Drill that runs under the MapR Warden service on the MapR Converged Data Platform.

Complete the following steps as root or using sudo to install Drill on a client or server node:


  1. To install Drill, issue the command appropriate for your system:
    yum install mapr-drill
    apt-get install mapr-drill
    zypper install mapr-drill
    NOTE: SUSE is supported as of Drill 1.9.0-1703 and Drill 1.10.0-1703.
  2. Verify that Drill is configured and running on the node. You can use one of the following methods to verify that the Drillbit service is running on the node:
    • Issue the following command to verify the status of the Drillbit service from the command line:
    • Log in to the MCS at https://<host name>:8443 to verify the status of the Drillbit service:

    NOTE: You should see the Drillbit listed as a service running on the node.
  3. Optionally, modify the Drill configuration. For example, you can change the log file directory, increase heap space and direct memory, or configure the MapR-FS as the persistent configuration storage. See Configuring Drill.
    NOTE: You must restart the drillbit for the new configuration to take effect.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 on any other nodes designated to run Drill.
    You can start/stop/restart the Drillbit service on one or more nodes using the MCS or the following command:
    $ maprcli node services -name drill-bits -action start|restart|stop -nodes <node host names separated by a space>

    Use the host name if possible. Using host names instead of IP addresses is a best practice.

    You can access the Drill log files in /opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>/logs/drillbit.log.