Client Application Interfaces

Drill also provides additional application interfaces for the client tools to connect and access from Drill. The interfaces include the following.

ODBC/JDBC drivers

Drill provides ODBC/JDBC drivers to connect from BI tools such as Tableau, MicroStrategy, SQUirrel, and Jaspersoft; refer to Drill Interfaces Introduction to learn more.


SQLLine is a JDBC application that comes packaged with Drill. In order to start working with it, you can use the command line on the demo cluster to log in as root, then enter sqlline. Use mapr as the login password. For example:

$ ssh root@localhost -p 2222
Last login: Mon Sep 15 13:46:08 2014 from
Welcome to your Mapr Demo virtual machine.
[root@maprdemo ~]# sqlline
sqlline version 1.1.6
0: jdbc:drill:>

Drill Web UI

The Drill Web UI is a simple user interface for configuring and manage Drill. This UI can be launched from any of the nodes in the Drill cluster. The configuration for Drill includes setting up storage plugins that represent the data sources on which Drill performs queries. The sandbox comes with storage plugins configured for the Hive, HBase, MapR file system, and local file system.

Users and developers can get the necessary information for tuning and performing diagnostics on queries, such as the list of queries executed in a session and detailed query plan profiles for each.

Detailed configuration and management of Drill is out of scope for this tutorial.

The following Web Console for Drill also provides a query UI where users can submit queries to Drill and observe results.

What's Next

Start running queries by going to Lesson 1: Learn About the Data Set.