Configuring User Impersonation

About this task

Impersonation allows a service to act on behalf of a client while performing the action requested by the client. By default, user impersonation is disabled in Drill. To configure user impersonation on a MapR cluster, follow the procedure for Configuring Impersonation and Chaining, and configure the file as follows:


  1. Add one of the following lines to the file:
    • If the underlying file system has MapR security enabled, add the following line: export MAPR_TICKETFILE_LOCATION=/opt/mapr/conf/mapruserticket
    • If the underlying file system is not secure, add the following line: export MAPR_IMPERSONATION_ENABLED=true
  2. Restart the Drillbit process on each Drill node.
    maprcli node services -name drill-bits -action restart -nodes <hostname> -f