Using Consistent Export Rules

Export rules (stored in conf/exports) should be the same across all NFS nodes that are in the same VIP pool, and for nodes that are configured for the same VIP failover. The default version of conf/exports is shown here:

# Sample Exports file

# for non /mapr exports
# <Path>  <comma separated cldb addresses=host:port> <exports_control>

# for /mapr exports
# <Path> <exports_control>

#access_control -> order is specific to default
# list the hosts before specifying a default for all
#  a.b.c.d, d.e.f.g(ro) (rw)
#  enforces ro for a.b.c.d & and everybody else is rw

# special path to export clusters in mapr-clusters.conf. To disable exporting,
# comment it out. to restrict access use the exports_control
/mapr (rw)

#to export only certain clusters, comment out the /mapr & uncomment.
# Note: this will cause /mapr to be unexported
#/mapr/clustername (rw)

#to export /mapr only to certain hosts (using exports_control)
#/mapr a.b.c.d(rw),e.f.g.h(ro)

# export /mapr/cluster1 rw to a.b.c.d & ro to e.f.g.h (denied for others)
#/mapr/cluster1 a.b.c.d(rw),e.f.g.h(ro)

# export /mapr/cluster2 only to e.f.g.h (denied for others)
#/mapr/cluster2 e.f.g.h(rw)

# export /mapr/cluster3 rw to e.f.g.h & ro to others
#/mapr/cluster2 e.f.g.h(rw) (ro)