Setting up Alarm Notifications from the Command Line

One way to set up alarm notifications is by issuing the alarm config save command from the command line.


You must have fc (full control) or a (admin) permissions to run this command.

The format of the command is:

maprcli alarm config save -cluster <cluster_name> -values "<alarm>,<individual>,<email>"

Assign values as follows:

Value Description Example
alarm Name of the alarm DISK_FAILURE_ALARM

Specifies whether individual alarm notifications are sent to the default email address for the alarm type.

  • 0 - do not send notifications to the default email address for the alarm type
  • 1 - send notifications to the default email address for the alarm type
email One or more email addresses other than the default email address. If specified, alarm notifications are sent to these addresses, regardless of whether they are sent to the default email address. Multiple email addresses must be separated by spaces only. You cannot use commas or other delimiters. For example, is valid.