Create and Configure a Database

About this task

Configure HP Vertica for MapR-FS by creating a Vertica database as directed here. Perform these steps as the HP Vertica administrative user:


  1. Create a database specifying the MapR NFS directories for the HP Vertica data and catalog instead of a local Linux directory:
    HOSTLIST=$(/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -­t list_host) /opt/vertica/bin/admintools -­t create_db 
    -c /vertica/data/catalog -­D /vertica/data/files -­s $HOSTLIST ­-d <your_db_name>
    WARNING: If you have not yet run admintools, the first command will hang. It will be waiting for you to accept the HP Vertica EULA. If you have not yet installed a license, the second command (admintools) will ask you to include the license path.
  2. Alter the database parameter to limit memory use to the percentage you specified in /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.HPVertica.conf.
    For example, to set this value to 65% of system memory, type:
    vsql -­c "alter resource pool general maxmemorysize '65%'"
  3. Configure the storage locations so that HP Vertica uses the temp spaces set up in the earlier step.
    A script such as the following will do that:
    vsql -­q -­t -A <<EOF | vsql -­q
    Select E'select add_location(\'/vertica/tmp/'
    || database_name || '/'
    || node_name || E'_tmp\',\''
    || node_name || E'\',\'TEMP\');'
    from nodes cross join databases; 
    select E'select alter_location_use(\'/vertica/data/files/' 
    || database_name || '/' 
    || node_name 
    || E'_data\',\'' 
    || node_name 
    || E'\',\'DATA\');' 
    from storage_locations cross join databases 
    where location_usage ilike 'DATA,TEMP' 
    This HP Vertica SQL script generates another SQL script using node names then pipes it back into vsql.