Supported and Unsupported Methods in RegionLocator (HBase 0.98 and higher)

This table indicates which methods MapR-DB supports in the HBase interface RegionLocator.

The following methods are supported with HBase tables, except where noted. For full details about this interface, see Interface RegionLocator.

Method Name Modifier and Type Description Supported?
HBase 0.98 HBase 1.1
close() void Close this connection. No Yes
getAllRegionLocations() List<HRegionLocation> Retrieves all of the regions associated with this table. Yes Yes
getConfiguration() Configuration Retrieve the Configuration Object used by this RegionLocator. No Yes
getEndKeys() byte[][] Gets the ending row key for every region in the currently open table. Yes Yes
getName() TableName Gets the fully qualified table name instance of this table. No Yes
getRegionLocation(byte[] row) HRegionLocation Finds the region on which the given row is being served. Yes Yes
getRegionLocation(byte[] row, boolean reload) HRegionLocation Yes Yes
getStartEndKeys() Pair<byte[][],byte[][]> Gets the starting and ending row keys for every region in the currently open table. Yes Yes
getStartKeys() byte[][] Gets the starting row key for every region in the currently open table. Yes Yes
i In v0.98, this is HTable API.