Build Your Java Application

Follow the instructions in this section to build a Java application that uses OJAI.

1. Prepare the Directory Structure

MapR-DB now supports two types of tables:

  • Binary: Column-family tables accessible with the HBase API
  • JSON Documents: used to store a JSON document and accessible with OJAI

This application uses only the JSON tables.

The tables are mapped to the file system and use the POSIX permission model (read/write for users and groups), and more. In this tutorial we do not use any advanced security features. To read more about security, see Filesystem Operations on MapR-DB Tables.

A particular directory structure is needed on the VM for this application. Change the permissions for the apps directory, and add a blog folder (used by the Java REST Sample application).
ssh mapr@maprdemo 
cd /mapr/ 
ls -la 
chmod 777 apps 
mkdir apps/blog 
chmod 777 apps/blog

2. MapR-DB and Java: Overview

The OJAI 101 repository contains the full application that shows the core operations of MapR-DB and OJAI.

Before running any Java application, you have to set the library path to point to the MapR client library. For example:

If you used a different name for the folder in opt, use that name.

Code Snippets
Create a table:
Table table = MapRDB.createTable("/apps/user_profiles");
Create an OJAI document (JSON):
Document doc = MapRDB.newDocument()
                          .set("firstName", "John")
                          .set("lastName", "Doe")
                          .set("age", 50);
This document is very simple, but you can use the API to create any valid JSON document, including nested documents and arrays. The JSON document looks like this:
  "firstName" : "John",   
  "lastName" : "Doe",   
  "age" : 50
You can now insert the document into MapR-DB using the insert() method. You just need to set the Document ID (or rowkey):
table.insert("jdoe", doc);

The Document ID is unique within a table. If you try to insert a document using an existing key, a DocumentExistsException will be raised. You can also use the insertOrReplace method; with this method, if the document with the ID exists, it will be replaced.

You can also retrieve the document with a simple get operation:
Document doc2  = table.findById("jdoe");
System.out.println(  doc2  );
       doc2.getString("firstName") +":"+ doc2.getInt("age")
To update a document, you have to do the following operations:
DocumentMutation mutation = MapRDB.newMutation()
                                     .increment("age", 1)
                                     .set("interests", Arrays.asList("sports", "movies"));
table.update("jdoe", mutation);

As you can see, not only can you update an existing attribute, such as the age increment, but you can also modify the structure of the document. For example, we added the interests field to the document.

We won't go into all the capabilities of the database, but let's take a look at a simple query. For example, return all the profiles with an age greater than 50:
QueryCondition condition = MapRDB.newCondition()
                                  .is("age", Condition.Op.GREATER, 50)

DocumentStream rs = table.find(condition);
Iterator<Document> itrs =  rs.iterator();
while (itrs.hasNext()) {
System.out.println( );
Finally let's delete a document:
Let's also delete the table:

You have now learned the basics of OJAI and you can see how to store, retrieve, and delete a document from a MapR-DB table.

You can now start building your own application or look at the different sample applications available.

3. MapR-DB and Java: Sample Application

Clone the following git repository:

Look at the method.

This method calls three other methods:

  • createDocuments(), which shows different ways of creating documents
  • queryDocuments(), which shows different ways of querying documents
  • updateDocuments(), which shows different ways of updating documents
Execute the following Maven commands:
mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mapr.db.samples.basic.Ex01SimpleCRUD"

You can use the MapR-DB Shell described at the end of this document to query JSON documents, including the one created by running the sample application.

4. MapR-DB and Java: REST API Sample

Clone the following git repository:

This web application exposes a MapR-DB document using a REST API (using JAX-RS and Swagger).

Execute the following Maven commands:
mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=""

Look at

Start the application and go to: http://localhost:8080