Creating a MapR-DB Binary Table with Support for a Full Bulk Load

When you create a MapR-DB binary table that you want to perform a full bulk load on, you must specify that you want to perform a full bulk load. Attempting a full bulk load on a table that does not have the bulk load attribute set to true results in an incremental bulk load being performed instead.

  • Using the maprcli table create command: Specify the value of the -bulkload parameter as true.

  • Using the hbase shell: Specify the value of the BULKLOAD parameter as true, as in the following example:

create '/a0','f1', BULKLOAD => 'true'

NOTE: If you want to pre-split a table, separate the BULKLOAD parameter from the SPLITS parameter, as in this example:
 hbase> create '/t1', 'f1', {SPLITS => ['10', '20', '30']}, {BULKLOAD => 'true'} 
  • Using the MapR Control System (MCS): Select the Bulkload check box under Table Properties.

After completing a full bulk load, make the table available to client applications with one of the following commands. You do not have to use either of these commands if you used the CopyTable utility, which makes tables available to client applications automatically after a load is completed.

# maprcli table edit -path /user/juser/mytable -bulkload false (command line)

hbase shell> alter '/user/juser/mytable', 'f2', BULKLOAD => 'false' (hbase shell)

After you perform a full bulk load on a table, you cannot perform a full bulk load on it again. You cannot use the maprcli table edit command or hbase shell alter command to set the value to true again. In MCS, although the Bulkload check box is enabled after a table is created, selecting that check box and clicking OK in the Table Properties dialog generates an error message.