Managing the WebHCat Server

About this task

As of Hive 0.13-1504 and Hive 1.0-1504, WebHCat is managed by Warden. Therefore, you can start and stop WebHCat using maprcli and the MapR Control System (MCS).

Starting the WebHCat Server

About this task

Applies to versions prior to Hive 0.13-1504 and Hive 1.0-1504:

# ./ start

Starting WebHCat Using the maprcli


  1. Make a list of nodes on which Hive Metastore is configured.
  2. Issue the maprcli node services command:
    maprcli node services -name hcat -action start -nodes <space delimited list of nodes>

Stopping WebHCat Using the maprcli


  1. Make a list of nodes on which Hive Metastore is configured.
  2. Issue the maprcli node services command:
    maprcli node services -name hcat -action stop -nodes <space delimited list of nodes>

Starting or Stopping WebHCat Using the MapR Control System


  1. In the Navigation pane, expand the Cluster Views pane and click Dashboard.
  2. In the Services pane, click WebHcat to open the Nodes screen displaying all the nodes on which Hive Metastore is configured.
  3. On the Nodes screen, click the hostname of each node to display its Node Properties screen.
  4. On each Node Properties screen, use the Stop/Start button in the WebHcat row under Manage Node Services to start WebHcat.

Checking the Error Logs

About this task

Go to the following folder:
NOTE: If you are running a Hive 0.13 version prior Hive 0.13-1504, go to the /tmp/<>/webhcat folder to view the error logs.

Verifying the Server's Status

About this task

In a web browser, navigate to:
A healthy server will return the string {"status":"ok","version":"v1"}. You can change the port number from the default value of 50111 by editing the webhcat-site.xml file.