Install OpenTSDB with a Package

The following steps describe how to install OpenTSDB from a package.

About this task

Be sure to install the OpenTSDB version that is required for your AsyncHBase version. AsyncHBase 1.6 requires OpenTSDB 2.0. AsyncHBase 1.7 requires OpenTSDB 2.2.


  1. Install the OpenTSDB RPM:
    1. mkdir /root/opentsdbrpm
    2. cd /root/opentsdbrpm
    3. Download the version of OpenTSDB that you required. For OpenTSDB 2.0: wget -O opentsdb-2.0.0.noarch.rpm For OpenTSDB 2.2: wget opentsdb-2.2.0.noarch.rpm
    4. rpm -ivh opentsdb-<version>.noarch.rpm
  2. Configure OpenTSDB to work with MapR:
    1. Edit the following tsdb scripts to cover MapR-specific dependencies: /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/tsdb and /usr/bin/tsdb
      # Base of MapR installation
      # Add MapR hadoop jars to classpath
      if test -d "$BASEMAPR/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2/lib"; then
       # hadoop conf directory to beginning of classpath (for core-site.xml)
       for jar in "$BASEMAPR"/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2/lib/*.jar; do
         if [ "`echo $jar | grep slf4j`" != "" ]; then
    2. Replace the asynchbase jar file (provide the current jar file name in the cp command):
      rm -f /usr/share/opentsdb/lib/asynchbase-<previous_version>.jar
    3. Configure the opentsdb.conf files: These files must have the following settings:
      /etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf = 4242
      tsd.http.staticroot = /usr/share/opentsdb/static/
      tsd.core.auto_create_metrics = false (for testing purposes only) = /tsdb = /tsdb-uid = <zookeeperNode>:<zookeeperP>
    4. Edit the <OPENTSDB_ROOT_INSTALL_DIR>/src/ file and add "/" before the table names so that MapR recognizes them as MapR-DB tables. Then, create tables in MapR-DB: .
      export COMPRESSION=NONE; export HBASE_HOME=/opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-<version>; /usr/share/opentsdb/tools/
      See Example:
    5. Confirm that the tables are created:
      hadoop fs -ls /
      tr--------   3 root root            2 2014-12-12 01:47 /tsdb
      tr--------   3 root root            2 2014-12-12 01:47 /tsdb-meta
      tr--------   3 root root            2 2014-12-12 01:47 /tsdb-tree
      tr--------   3 root root            2 2014-12-12 01:47 /tsdb-uid
  3. Start the tsd daemon. You can give executable permissions to the tsdb script in /usr/share/opentsdb/bin, or you can directly use tsdb (because of the dependencies you added earlier).
    chmod +x /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/tsdb
    /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/tsdb tsd --port=4242 
    --cachedir="/tmp/opentsdb" --auto-metric
  4. Create a metric: /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/tsdb mkmetric mymetric.stock
  5. Test the metric:
    1. Run a Test Program for OpenTSDB that reads from the tmp_input file and sends put requests to opentsdb, which saves the data to a MapR-DB table (tsdb/tsdb-uid).
    2. Run aggregation queries (such as SUM) from the command line: /usr/share/opentsdb/bin/tsdb query 1y-ago sum mymetric.stock or tsdb query 1y-ago sum mymetric.stock
    3. When you run the SUM command, the results should look like the following:
      mymetric.stock 1407165399000 680.500015 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165401000 904.625000 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165402000 904.612495 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165403000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165404000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165405000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165406000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165407000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165408000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165409000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165410000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165411000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165412000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165413000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165414000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165415000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165416000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165417000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165418000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165419000 904.599991 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165422000 904.678749 {}
      mymetric.stock 1407165423000 484.255005 {}