Configuring the MapR-FS State Store

About this task

By default, the Resource Manager stores its state in the MapR-FS. However, you can change the values for the following properties related to the MapR-FS state store:


  • To configure the URI to the state store location:
    Set the value of yarn.resourcemanager.fs.state-store.uri in yarn-site.xml. The value defaults to the ResourceManager volume (/var/mapr/cluster/yarn/rm/system).
  • To configure the retry policy used by the state store client to connect with MapR-FS:
    Set the value of yarn.resourcemanager.fs.state-store.retry-policy-spec in yarn-site.xml. The value defaults to (2000,500).
  • To configure the number of completed applicatons retained by the state store:
    Set the value of yarn.resourcemanager.state-store.max-completed-applications in yarn-site.xml. The value defaults to 10000.