Monitoring Node Metrics

You can examine fine-grained analytics information about the nodes in your cluster by using the Node Metrics API with the maprcli command-line tool. You can use this information to examine specific aspects of your node's performance at a very granular level. The node metrics API returns data as a table sent to your terminal's standard output or as a JSON file. The JSON file includes in-depth reports on the activity on each CPU, disk partition, and network interface in your node.

Node metrics cover the following general categories:

  • CPU time used
  • Memory used
  • RPC activity
  • Process activity
  • Storage used
  • TaskTracker resources used

The hoststats service writes raw metrics data to the /var/mapr/local/<hostname>/metrics volumes as hourly files. The files rotate as specified by the metric.file.rotate parameter in the db.conf file.

The Metrics database holds data in the following tables:

  • METRIC_TRANSACTION: Data is written every 10 seconds and partitioned by day. This table retains up to three days of data.
  • METRIC_TRANSACTION_EVENT: Holds data regarding system events such as service starts/stops and disk additions.
  • METRIC_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_DAILY: Holds the aggregate, maximum, and minimum values for five-minute intervals of the data in the METRIC_TRANSACTION table. This table is partitioned by day and holds up to 15 days' worth of data.
  • METRIC_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_YEARLY: Holds the aggregate, maximum, and minimum values for daily intervals of the data in the METRIC_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_DAILY table. This table is partitioned by year and holds up to 100 years' worth of data.