Installing Additional Core Features

Some features can require additional configuration or the installation of additional packages after an upgrade to a new release.

Enabling the Control System After an Upgrade

Release 7.1.0 upgraded the hazelcast.xml file that the Control System uses to manage session information. After an upgrade to release 7.1.0 or later, if the upgraded file is not available, the Control System can fail to start. Use the following steps to avoid Control System startup issues after an upgrade:
  1. Navigate to the /opt/mapr/apiserver/conf/ directory:
    cd /opt/mapr/apiserver/conf/
  2. Rename the current hazelcast.xml file as follows:
    mv hazelcast.xml hazelcast.xml.bkp
  3. Copy the upgraded hazelcast.xml file from the / directory to the /conf directory:
    cp /opt/mapr/apiserver/ .
  4. Restart the Control System API server:
    maprcli node services -name apiserver -action restart -nodes <apiserver_node_name>

Restoring Object Store Configuration Files

Upgrades from release 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 or later remove the Object Store configuration files in /opt/mapr/conf. This can prevent the Object Store from starting after the upgrade.

Preparing to Upgrade Core instructed you to create a backup of these files:
  • moss.conf
  • s3cfg
  • moss-core-site.xml
After upgrading, copy the backed-up files to /opt/mapr/conf on any node running the MOSS server.

Installing the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store After an Upgrade

Release 7.0.0 added the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store. If you upgraded from a release earlier than release 7.0.0, use the following steps to install the Object Store:
  1. Install the mapr-s3server package on all cluster nodes. For more information about installing cluster service packages, see Step 4: Install Cluster Service Packages.
  2. Enable Object Store support if it is not already enabled:
    maprcli cluster feature enable -name -force true -json
  3. Restart the CLDB services on the CLDB secondary nodes:
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -cldb restart -nodes node1 node2 node3
    For more information about node services, see node services.
  4. Generate the Object Store certificates by using the
    • After upgrading from core 6.2.0 to 7.0.0 or later: createusercert -a moss -u *.<domain_name> -ug <cluster_admin_id>:<cluster_admin_group>
      In this command, -u specifies the domain name.
    • After upgrading from core 6.1.x to 7.0.0 or later: createusercerts -ug <cluster_admin_id>:<cluster_admin_group> -N <cluster_name>
  5. Complete all steps in Enabling the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store.

Installing Monitoring After an Upgrade

Monitoring, also known as the Spyglass initiative, provides the ability to collect, store, and view metrics and logs for nodes, services, and jobs/applications. You can only install Monitoring after you upgrade ecosystem components.