
Describes the service configuration files that Warden supports.

The warden.conf configuration file is associated with the standard services that are provided by HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric. Warden supports service monitoring for additional services.

Each of these supported services requires a configuration file, warden.<servicename>.conf, which is included with the package for that service. When you install any of these service packages, its corresponding configuration file is stored in /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d. The configuration files and their packages are as follows:

Configuration File: warden.collectd.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-collectd package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.drill-bits.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-drill package.
Configuration File: warden.elasticsearch.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-elasticsearch package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.fluentd.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-fluentd package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.gateway.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-gateway package.
Configuration File: warden.grafana.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-grafana package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.hue.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-hue package.
Configuration File: warden.httpfs.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-httpfs package.
hbase thrift server
Configuration File: warden.hbasethrift.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-hbasethrift package.
hbase rest gateway
Configuration File: warden.hbase-rest.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-hbase-rest package.
Configuration File: warden.historyserver.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-historyserver package.
hive metastore
Configuration File: warden.hivemeta.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-hivemetadata package.
Configuration File: warden.hs2.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-hiveserver2 package.
Configuration File: warden.kibana.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-kibana package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.nodemanager.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-nodemanager package.
Configuration File: warden.opentsdb.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-opentsdb package. This package is supported only for internal HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Monitoring uses cases.
Configuration File: warden.resourcemanager.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-resourcemanager package.
Configuration File: warden.sentry.conf
Description: Installed with the mapr-sentry package. However, Sentry is not automatically monitored by the Warden. When Sentry is configured to use the database storage model, you can manually copy the /opt/mapr/sentry/sentry-<version>/conf.d/warden.sentry.conf file to the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d directory to add Sentry to the list of services that the Warden monitors.
spark master
Configuration File: warden.spark-master.conf
Description: Installed with the spark-master package.

Configuring Service Properties

You can configure the following properties in the warden.<servicename>.conf file:

Description: Service name and number of nodes this service should run on, along with service dependencies. Format is serviceName:N[depServiceName].Values for N = 1 or all
Description: Specifies the alarm name for this service. This is the alarm name that appears in the CLI when you do not request a terse output. Once tWarden starts the service, you cannot edit this value.
Description: Specifies the abbreviated alarm name for this service. This is the alarm name that appears in the Control System. Once Warden starts the service, you cannot edit this value.
Description: Monitor string (if the service monitor command does not provide sufficient monitoring).
Description: Specifies a command that checks whether the service is running.
Description: Service start command.
Description: Service stop command.
Description: Indicates whether the script runs in background (and exits) or inline (script does not exit). Type is either BACKGROUND or INLINE.
Description: Indicates whether the service depends on a service instance locally, or on the master. Values = 1 (local) or 0 (master).
Description: The name of the service to display.
Description: Specifies environment variables to be use by the service. By default, it may include MAPR_MAPREDUCE_MODE=default. You can include a comma-separated list of environment variables. For example, service.env=MAPR_MAPREDUCE_MODE=default,ABC=1,XYZ=2.
Description: Maximum heapsize in MB.
Description: Minimum heapsize in MB.
Description: Specifies heapsize percent.
Description: Location of the service log files.
Description: Port where the service is running (for example, the hue webserver runs on port 8888).
Description: Specifies the type of process.

For example, service.process.type=JAVA indicates that the process is a Java process.

Description: To include a link to a user interface associated with this service in the Control System, enter a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in this property, and specify the port in the service.ui.port property. For example, enter /service1 for this property and then enter 8080 in the service.ui.port property to provide the following UI link for this service in the MCS: http://<hostname>:8080/service1
Description: If you want to include a link to the user interface associated with this service in the Control System, enter the port in this property and also specify the URI in the service.uri property.

Memory Management for Services

The following memory parameters are used to reserve memory for the service:

  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.percent parameter controls the percentage of system memory allocated to the named service.

  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.max parameter defines the maximum heapsize used when invoking the service.

  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.min parameter defines the minimum heapsize used when invoking the service.

For example, the service.command.gateway.heapsize.percent, service.command.gateway.heapsize.max, and service.command.gateway.heapsize.min parameters in the warden.gateway.conf file control the amount of memory that Warden allocates to the gateway service before allocating memory to other services.

The actual heap size used when invoking a service is a combination of the three parameters according to the formula max(heapsize.min, min(heapsize.max, total-memory * heapsize.percent / 100)).

warden.hs2.conf Example

The hiveserver2 configuration file, warden.hs2.conf, looks like this:

service.command.start=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-0.13/bin/hive --start --service hiveserver2
service.command.stop=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-0.13/bin/hive --stop --service hiveserver2
service.command.monitorcommand=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-0.13/bin/hive --status --service hiveserver2

When hiveserver2 is installed, the warden.hs2.conf file is placed in the directory /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d. If Warden is running, it detects the file and starts the service. If Warden is not running, the file is picked up when Warden starts. Warden monitors the service and displays the status on the Control System UI.