hadoop job

The hadoop job command enables you to manage MapReduce jobs.

WARNING This command is deprecated.


hadoop job [Generic Options]
        [-submit <job-file>]
        [-status <job-id>]
        [-counter <job-id> <group-name> <counter-name>]
        [-kill <job-id>]
        [-unblacklist <job-id> <hostname>]
        [-unblacklist-tracker <hostname>]
        [-set-priority <job-id> <priority>]
        [-events <job-id> <from-event-#> <#-of-events>]
        [-history <jobOutputDir>]
        [-list [all]]
        [-list-attempt-ids <job-id> <task-type> <task-state>]
        [-kill-task <task-id>]
        [-fail-task <task-id>]
        [-blacklist-tasktracker <hostname>]


Command Options

The following command options are supported for hadoop job:



-submit <job-file>

Submits the job.

-status <job-id>

Prints the map and reduce completion percentage and all job counters.

-counter <job-id> <group-name> <counter-name>

Prints the counter value.

-kill <job-id>

Kills the job.

-unblacklist <job-id> <hostname>

Removes a tasktracker job from the jobtracker's blacklist.

-unblacklist-tracker <hostname>

Admin only. Removes the TaskTracker at <hostname from the JobTracker's global blacklist.

-set-priority <job-id> <priority>

Changes the priority of the job. Valid priority values are VERY_HIGH, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, and VERY_LOW. The job scheduler uses this property to determine the order in which jobs are run.

-events <job-id> <from-event-#> <#-of-events>

Prints the events' details received by jobtracker for the given range.

-history <jobOutputDir>

Prints job details, failed and killed tip details.

-list [all]

The -list all option displays all jobs. The -list command without the all option displays only jobs which are yet to complete.


Prints all active tasktrackers.


Prints the TaskTracker nodes that JobTracker blacklisted with the reason for blacklisting.

-list-attempt-ids <job-id><task-type>

Lists the IDs of task attempts.

-kill-task <task-id>

Kills the task. Killed tasks are not counted against failed attempts.

-fail-task <task-id>

Fails the task. Failed tasks are counted against failed attempts.

-blacklist-tasktracker <hostname>

Pauses all current tasktracker jobs and prevent additional jobs from being scheduled on the tasktracker.


Dumps label information of all active nodes.

Generic Options

The following generic options are supported for the hadoop job command: -conf <configuration file>, -D <property=value>, -fs <local|file system URI>, -jt <local|jobtracker:port>, -files <file1,file2,file3,...>, -libjars <libjar1,libjar2,libjar3,...>, and -archives <archive1,archive2,archive3,...>. For more information on generic options, see Generic Options.


Submitting Jobs

The hadoop job -submit command enables you to submit a job to the specified jobtracker.

$ hadoop job -jt darwin:50020 -submit job.xml

Stopping Jobs Gracefully

Use the hadoop kill command to stop a running or queued job.

$ hadoop job -kill <job-id>

Viewing Job History Logs

Run the hadoop job -history command to view the history logs summary in specified directory.

$ hadoop job -history output-dir

This command will print job details, failed and killed tip details.

Additional details about the job such as successful tasks and task attempts made for each task can be viewed by adding the -all option:

$ hadoop job -history all output-dir 

Blacklisting Tasktrackers

The hadoop job command when run as root or using sudo can be used to manually blacklist tasktrackers:

hadoop job -blacklist-tasktracker <hostname> 

Manually blacklisting a tasktracker pauses any running jobs and prevents additional jobs from being scheduled.