Creating an Installer Container Using

This section describes how to create an Installer Container image by using the script.

Creating the Image

To create an Installer image using

  1. Download the script to a Linux or Mac OS X platform where Docker 1.12.5 or later is installed and the Docker daemon is up and running. Choose one of the following download options:
    NOTE Running on Windows is not supported.
    • Download the setup script directly from to the node that will run the Installer:
      wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -P /tmp
    • Download to your local workstation, and copy to the node that will run the Installer:
      1. On the Download Page, click Download, and save the setup script to a location on your workstation.
      2. Use a tool such as SCP to copy the file to the node that will run the Installer:
        scp user@server /tmp
  2. Run the script with the docker installer command to create the Docker image:
    ./ docker installer
  3. Respond to the command-line prompts to provide the information to configure the image. The following table describes each prompt. If you press Enter without specifying a value, uses the default value shown in the square brackets ([]):
    Prompt Notes
    Build MapR UI Installer image? (y/n) [y] Type y to continue or n to exit the script.
    Image OS class (centos7, ubuntu16) [<local OS>]: Specify the base operating system on which to build the image.
    NOTE SLES is not currently supported.
    Docker FROM base image name:tag [centos:centos7]: Specify the starting image used to create the new image. If necessary, you can enter your own tag and image name to choose a base image already created for your installation. If you do not enter a name, the script provides one for you.
    MapR installer image tag name [<name>] Accept the software-provided name for the container image, or provide your own name. This is the name you will use to run the image to create the Installer container.
    Container memory: specify host XX[kmg] or 0 for no limit [0]: Specify the maximum amount of memory (in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes) that Docker allows the container to access. For example:
    • 2g
    • 4096m
    • 0
    Accepting the default (0), means there is no restriction on memory, and the container can use as much memory as the platform makes available.
  4. After the last prompt, press Enter. The script:
    • Prepares the installer
    • Installs or verifies installer package dependencies
    • Installs installer packages
    • Cleans up unneeded files
    • Creates the sample-run file and displays the location of the file:
      Edit '/root/docker_images/installer/' to configure settings and then execute it to start the container contains environment variables for the image and makes it easy for you to start the container.

  5. (Optional) Edit the script file if you want to change any environmental variables. For more information about the environmental variables, see Environmental Variables for the Installer Container.
  6. Run the file to start mapr-installer services:

    After the installer service is started, you can issue Stanza commands or open the web-based Installer in a browser:

    installer (380) started with log /opt/mapr/installer/logs/installer.log
    Started service mapr-installer
        To continue installing MapR software, open the following URL in a web browser
                  If the address '' is internal and not accessible
               from your browser, use the external address mapped to it instead
NOTE The Installer maintains the state of the cluster. When the installer is run from a container, the installer database is only as persistent as the container itself. If you need the installer data to be persistent, here are some options:
  • If you shut down a Installer container, use the docker start command (not the docker run command) to restart the same instance of the container. If you create a new instance of the container, the database will have no information.
  • Mount the /opt/mapr/ data directory outside the container to persistent storage to maintain the cluster state.
  • Use the Stanza export command to export the state of the cluster before you shut down the container. See Exporting a Cluster Configuration.

Running the Installer Container Using Stanza Commands

You can also use the sample-run file to execute a Installer Stanza command. In this scenario, the command creates the installer container, runs a Stanza command, and then shuts down the container. For example, the following command runs the Stanza probe command on node
./docker_images/installer/ probe -o config.ssh_id=root config.ssh_password=mapr config.hosts='[""]' -nv

For a list of the Stanza commands, see Installer Stanza Commands.