Post-Upgrade Steps for MapR Core

After you upgrade MapR core with the MapR Installer, complete the following steps.

About this task


  1. Manually update configuration files.
    1. On all nodes, manually merge new configuration settings from the /opt/mapr/ file into the /opt/mapr/conf/warden.conf file.
    2. On all nodes, manually merge new configuration settings from the files in the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory to the files in the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/ directory.
    NOTE: When hadoop common is updated along with MapR Core, a new directory is created for the new hadoop common version and the configuration files in the existing /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.x.x directory are automatically copied into the active directory associated with the new hadoop 2.x.x directory. For example, when you upgrade from 4.1 to 5.x, configuration files that were in the hadoop-2.5.1 directory are copied into the hadoop-2.7.1 directory.
  2. As of MapR version 5.1, due to the new license categories, you must manually copy the new Base License file from the /opt/mapr/ directory to the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory on every node in your cluster.
    cp /opt/mapr/ /opt/mapr/conf/
    NOTE: The BaseLicense.txt file must be copied before starting warden, otherwise, warden must be restarted.