Configure Multi-tenant Scheduler

As of Storm 0.10.0-1602, you can configure Storm to use a multi-tenant scheduler. Configure a multi-tenant scheduler when you want to isolate topologies from one another.The multi-tenant scheduler also provides the ability to limit the total resources that user can consume in the cluster.

About this task


  1. In the storm.yaml, set the following parameter:
    storm.scheduler: "backtype.storm.scheduler.multitenant.MultitenantScheduler"
  2. Create multitenant-scheduler.yaml in /opt/mapr/storm.storm-<version>/conf.
  3. In multitenant-scheduler.yaml, add the multitenant.scheduler.user.pools parameter and define to the maximun number of nodes that certain users can use for topologies.
    For example:
             "mapr": 10            
             "test": 10           
             "test2": 10