Configure Sentry to use Database Storage

As of Sentry 1.6, the database storage model is the preferred method for storing privileges and roles. When you configure Sentry to use the database storage model, it also includes a service that is managed by Warden.

About this task

The following databases can be used to store privileges and roles: MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, DB2 and Derby. Examples in the following procedure use MySQL as the database type.
NOTE: When you install Sentry with the MapR Installer and you specify MySQL as the database for Sentry, the MapR Installer performs the following configurations.


  1. Create a database for Sentry.
    For example, run the following commands to create a MySQL database:
    mysql> create database sentry_store;
    mysql> use sentry_store;
    mysql> create user ‘sentry’@’localhost’ identified by ‘sentry’;
    mysql> grant all on *.* to 'sentry'@localhost identified by 'sentry';
    mysql> flush privileges;
  2. In /opt/mapr/sentry/sentry-<version>/conf/sentry-site.xml, update the value of the following property:
    Property Configuration

    Set the value to org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend

    For example:
    <description> Options: {org.apache.sentry.provider.db.SimpleDBProviderBackend, org.apache.sentry.provider.file.SimpleFileProviderBackend}Privilege provider to be used, we support file based or db based  </description>
  3. In the sentry-site.xml file (/opt/mapr/sentry/sentry-<version>/conf/sentry-site.xml), add the following properties:
    Property Configuration Set the value to the JDBC connection URL. Set the value to the Backend JDBC driver. Set the value to the JDBC user name. Set the value to the JDBC password.
    For example:
  4. Initialize the database schema.
    <SENTRY-HOME>/bin/sentry --command schema-tool --conffile <SENTRY-HOME>/conf/sentry-site.xml --dbType mysql --initSchema
  5. To add Sentry to the list of services that the Warden monitors, copy /opt/mapr/sentry/sentry-<version>/conf.d/warden.sentry.conf to /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d.