Step 3: Upgrade the Software

Use one of the following methods to upgrade the Oozie component:

Upgrade with a Package Manager

After you configure repositories and the version that you want to install is available, use a package manager to install from the repository.

Run the following command to upgrade Oozie using a package manager:
  • RedHat/CentOS
    yum upgrade mapr-oozie-internal mapr-oozie
  • Ubuntu
    apt-get install mapr-oozie-internal mapr-oozie
NOTICE: For upgrades from Oozie 4.1-1601 or below on CentOS 7.2 nodes, complete the following steps instead:
  1. Delete the Oozie 4.1 packages with the following commands:
    yum --setopt=tsflags=noscripts remove mapr-oozie-4.1.0* 
    yum --setopt=tsflags=noscripts remove mapr-oozie-internal-4.1.0*
  2. Run the following command to install Oozie using a package manager:
    yum install mapr-oozie-internal mapr-oozie

Install a New Version and Keep an Earlier Version (manual installation)

Oozie installs into separate directories named after the version, such as /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-<version>/, so the files for multiple versions can co-exist. To keep the prior version when installing a new version, you must manually install the package file for the new version.

Complete the following steps to manually install the package file for the new version:
  1. Download the RPM package files for mapr-oozie and mapr-oozie-internal from
  2. Install the package using rpm:
    rpm -i --force mapr-oozie-internal-<version>.rpm mapr-oozie-<version>.rpm
    NOTE: This process is not supported on Ubuntu, because apt-get and dpkg cannot manage multiple versions of a package with the same name.