Integrate Hue with Oozie

About this task

Complete the following steps to integrate Hue with Oozie:


  1. Edit the hue.ini file to configure the location where the Oozie service is running.
    # The URL (host IP address) where the Oozie service is running. This is required in order for # users to submit jobs. 
  2. Enable user impersonation for Oozie. To enable user impersonation in Oozie through Hue:
    1. Add the following lines to the oozie-site.xml file:
      <property> <name>oozie.service.ProxyUserService.proxyuser.<default_user>.hosts</name> <value>*</value> </property>   <property> <name>oozie.service.ProxyUserService.proxyuser.<default_user>.groups</name> <value>*</value> </property>
      In most cases, mapr is the <default_user>. This should be the same default user that is specified in the hue.ini and the core-site.xml.
    2. Restart Oozie. To restart Oozie, first stop Oozie then start it:
      maprcli node services -name oozie -action stop -nodes <ip_address> maprcli node services -name oozie -action start -nodes <ip_address>
      To verify that the Oozie server started, enter:
      lsof -i:11000
      The output from this command should look similar to this:
      COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME java 16644 mapr 35u IPv6 69926776 0t0 TCP *:irisa (LISTEN)
      You can also check Oozie logs to verify that Oozie started. The log is found here: /opt/mapr/oozie/oozie-3.3.2/logs/oozie.log
  3. Perform any additional Hue configurations and then restart Hue so that the changes will take effect. See Starting the Hue Webserver.