Steps to Install Hive Using Manual Steps


Make sure the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set correctly. Example:

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-sun

You can set these system variables by using the shell command line or by updating files such as /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile. See the Linux documentation for more details about setting system environment variables.

NOTE: The MapR cluster must be up and running before installing Hive.

About this task

The following procedure uses the operating system package managers to download and install Hive from the MapR Repository.
NOTE: Make sure to install the same version for all Hive packages.
Execute the following commands as root or using sudo.


  1. Update the repository cache on all nodes:
    On RedHat/CentOS
    # yum clean all
    On SUSE
    # zypper refresh
    On Ubuntu
    # apt-get update
  2. On each planned Hive node, install Hive packages.
    • To install the latest suppported version of Hive:
      On CentOS / RedHat
      yum install mapr-hive 
      On SUSE
      zypper install mapr-hive
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive
    • To install the latest suppported version of Hive and HiveServer2:
      On CentOS / RedHat
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
      On SUSE
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
    • To install the latest suppported version of Hive, HiveServer2, and HiveMetastore:
      On CentOS / RedHat
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
      On SUSE
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
      NOTE: If you are using an embedded hive metastore, do not install mapr-hiveserver2 and mapr-hivemetastore on the same node as mapr-hive. This configuration results in a java run-time exception when you attempt to start the hive CLI.
    • To install the latest suppported version of Hive, HiveServer2, HiveMetastore and WebHCat:
      On CentOS / RedHat
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
      On SUSE
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
      NOTE: If you are using an embedded hive metastore, do not install mapr-hiveserver2 and mapr-hivemetastore on the same node as mapr-hive. This configuration results in a java run-time exception when you attempt to start the hive CLI.
    • To install an earlier version, specify the version in the package name.
      On RedHat/CentOS Determine the available versions with the following command:
      yum list --showduplicates mapr-hive
      Then, you can run the following command to install a specific package:
      yum install mapr-hive-<version>
      On Ubuntu Determine the available versions with the following command:
      apt-cache madison mapr-hive
      Then, you can run the following command to install a specific package:
      apt-get install mapr-hive=<version>
  3. Run
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
  4. Set the following environment variables:
    • HIVE_HOME should be set to the Hive installation directory. export HIVE_HOME=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-<version>
      export HIVE_HOME=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-<version>
    • PATH should include $HIVE_HOME/bin. export PATH=$PATH:$HIVE_HOME/bin
      export PATH=$PATH:$HIVE_HOME/bin

    You can set these system variables by using the shell command line or by updating files such as /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile. See the Linux documentation for more details about setting system environment variables.


After Hive is installed, the executable is located at: /opt/mapr/hive/hive-<version>/bin/hive

What to do next

Before running Hive queries with HiveServer2, you must perform one of the following tasks otherwise queries will fail:

  • Configure user impersonation for Hive and the MapR cluster.
  • Set hive.server2.enable.doAs to false in hive-site.xml file.

See Hive User Impersonation for the steps to configure user impersonation for Hive and the MapR cluster.